Package org.apache.wicket.resource

Locale aware resouce loaders.


Interface Summary
IPropertiesChangeListener To be implemented by listeners interested in PropertiesFactory events fired after a change to the properties has been detected
IPropertiesFactory Implementations are responsible for locating Properties objects, which are a thin wrapper around ValueMap and is used to locate localized messages.
IPropertiesLoader Property loaders as used by PropertiesFactory to load properties
ITextResourceCompressor Allow for different implementations of a text compressor

Class Summary
IsoPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader Load properties from properties file.
NoOpTextCompressor A no-op text compressor
Properties Kind of like java.util.Properties but based on Wicket's ValueMap and thus benefiting from all its nice build-in type converters and without parent properties.
PropertiesFactory Default implementation of IPropertiesFactory which uses the IResourceStreamLocator as defined by IResourceSettings.getResourceStreamLocator() to load the Properties objects.
ResourceUtil Utilities for resources.
TextTemplateResourceReference A class which adapts a PackageTextTemplate to a ResourceReference.
UtfPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader Load properties from properties file via a Reader, which allows to provide the charset and thus the encoding can be different than ISO 8859-1.
XmlFilePropertiesLoader Load properties from XML file

Package org.apache.wicket.resource Description

Locale aware resouce loaders.

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