Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISessionStore
org.apache.wicket The core Wicket package. 

Uses of ISessionStore in org.apache.wicket

Methods in org.apache.wicket that return ISessionStore
 ISessionStore Application.getSessionStore()
          Gets the facade object for working getting/ storing session instances.
protected  ISessionStore Session.getSessionStore()
          Gets the session store.

Methods in org.apache.wicket that return types with arguments of type ISessionStore
 IProvider<ISessionStore> Application.getSessionStoreProvider()

Method parameters in org.apache.wicket with type arguments of type ISessionStore
 void Application.setSessionStoreProvider(IProvider<ISessionStore> sessionStoreProvider)

Uses of ISessionStore in org.apache.wicket.mock

Classes in org.apache.wicket.mock that implement ISessionStore
 class MockSessionStore
          Session store that holds one session.

Uses of ISessionStore in org.apache.wicket.session

Classes in org.apache.wicket.session that implement ISessionStore
 class HttpSessionStore
          Implementation of ISessionStore that works with web applications and provides some specific http servlet/ session related functionality.

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