Interface AjaxRequestTarget.IListener

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public static interface AjaxRequestTarget.IListener

An AjaxRequestTarget listener that can be used to respond to various target-related events

Method Summary
 void onAfterRespond(Map<String,Component> map, AjaxRequestTarget.IJavaScriptResponse response)
          Triggered after ajax request target is done with its response cycle.
 void onBeforeRespond(Map<String,Component> map, AjaxRequestTarget target)
          Triggered before ajax request target begins its response cycle

Method Detail


void onBeforeRespond(Map<String,Component> map,
                     AjaxRequestTarget target)
Triggered before ajax request target begins its response cycle

map - read-only map:markupId->component of components already added to the target
target - the target itself. Could be used to add components or to append/prepend javascript


void onAfterRespond(Map<String,Component> map,
                    AjaxRequestTarget.IJavaScriptResponse response)
Triggered after ajax request target is done with its response cycle. At this point only additional javascript can be output to the response using the provided AjaxRequestTarget.IJavaScriptResponse object NOTE: During this stage of processing any calls to target that manipulate the response (adding components, javascript) will have no effect

map - read-only map:markupId->component of components already added to the target
response - response object that can be used to output javascript

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