Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeAppender
org.apache.wicket The core Wicket package. 

Uses of AttributeAppender in org.apache.wicket

Methods in org.apache.wicket that return AttributeAppender
static AttributeAppender AttributeModifier.append(String attributeName, IModel<?> value)
          Creates a attribute modifier that appends the current value with the given value using a default space character (' ') separator.
static AttributeAppender AttributeModifier.append(String attributeName, Serializable value)
          Creates a attribute modifier that appends the current value with the given value using a default space character (' ') separator.
static AttributeAppender AttributeModifier.prepend(String attributeName, IModel<?> value)
          Creates a attribute modifier that prepends the current value with the given value using a default space character (' ') separator.
static AttributeAppender AttributeModifier.prepend(String attributeName, Serializable value)
          Creates a attribute modifier that prepends the current value with the given value using a default space character (' ') separator.

Uses of AttributeAppender in org.apache.wicket.behavior

Methods in org.apache.wicket.behavior that return AttributeAppender
 AttributeAppender AttributeAppender.setSeparator(String separator)
          Sets the separator used by attribute appenders and prependers.

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