Uses of Class

Packages that use Page
org.apache.wicket The core Wicket package. 
org.apache.wicket.ajax Classes related to showing user feedback, generally as the result of form submission and/or validation. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html Base package of HTML markup. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.debug Link components. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages Default special purpose pages for error and feedback support. 
org.apache.wicket.protocol.http HTTP implementation. 
org.apache.wicket.util.tester A package with utility classes to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. 

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket

Methods in org.apache.wicket with type parameters of type Page
<C extends Page>
Component.urlFor(Class<C> pageClass, PageParameters parameters)
          Returns a bookmarkable URL that references a given page class using a given set of page parameters.

Methods in org.apache.wicket that return Page
protected  Page Component.findPage()
          If this Component is a Page, returns self.
 Page Component.getPage()
          Gets the page holding this component.
 Page PageReference.getPage()

Methods in org.apache.wicket that return types with arguments of type Page
abstract  Class<? extends Page> Application.getHomePage()
          Application subclasses must specify a home page class by implementing this abstract method.
 Class<? extends Page> Page.getPageClass()

Methods in org.apache.wicket with parameters of type Page
 void Component.redirectToInterceptPage(Page page)
          Redirects browser to an intermediate page such as a sign-in page.
 void Component.setResponsePage(Page page)
          Sets the page that will respond to this request

Constructors in org.apache.wicket with parameters of type Page
RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Page interceptPage)
          Redirects to the specified interceptPage.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.wicket with type arguments of type Page
RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Class<? extends Page> interceptPageClass)
          Redirects to the specified intercept page, this will result in a bookmarkable redirect.
RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Class<? extends Page> interceptPageClass, PageParameters parameters)
          Redirects to the specified intercept page, this will result in a bookmarkable redirect.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.ajax

Methods in org.apache.wicket.ajax that return Page
 Page AjaxRequestTarget.getPage()

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.ajax with parameters of type Page
AjaxRequestTarget(Page page)

Uses of Page in

Methods in with type parameters of type Page
<T extends Page>
SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy.isPageAuthorized(Class<T> pageClass)
<T extends Page>
AbstractPageAuthorizationStrategy.isPageAuthorized(Class<T> pageClass)
          Whether to page may be created.

Uses of Page in

Constructors in with parameters of type Page
FeedbackMessagesModel(Page page, IFeedbackMessageFilter filter)

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html

Subclasses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html
 class GenericWebPage<T>
          A WebPage with typesafe getters and setters for the model and its underlying object
 class WebPage
          Base class for HTML pages.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.debug

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.debug with parameters of type Page
PageView(String id, Page page)

Uses of Page in

Subclasses of Page in
static class PopupCloseLink.ClosePopupPage
          ClosePopupPage closes the popup window.

Methods in that return Page
 Page IPageLink.getPage()
          Gets the page to go to.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Page
 Class<? extends Page> BookmarkablePageLink.getPageClass()
          Get tge page class registered with the link
 Class<? extends Page> IPageLink.getPageIdentity()
          Gets the class of the destination page, which serves as a form of identity that can be used to determine if a link is on the same Page that it links to.

Methods in with parameters of type Page
 boolean BookmarkablePageLink.linksTo(Page page)
          Whether this link refers to the given page.
protected  boolean Link.linksTo(Page page)
          Whether this link refers to the given page.

Constructors in with parameters of type Page
InlineFrame(String id, Page page)
          This constructor is ideal if a Page object was passed in from a previous Page.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging

Methods in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging with parameters of type Page
 boolean PagingNavigationLink.linksTo(Page page)
          Returns true if this PageableListView navigation link links to the given page.
 boolean PagingNavigationIncrementLink.linksTo(Page page)
          Returns true if the page link links to the given page.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages

Subclasses of Page in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages
 class AbstractErrorPage
          A parent page for all pages that are used to show an error to the user.
 class AccessDeniedPage
          Page expired error page.
 class BrowserInfoPage
           This page uses a form post right after the page has loaded in the browser, using JavaScript or alternative means to detect and pass on settings to the embedded form.
 class ExceptionErrorPage
          Shows a runtime exception on a nice HTML page.
 class InternalErrorPage
          Internal error display page.
 class PageExpiredErrorPage
          Page expired error page.
 class RedirectPage
          Page that let the browser redirect.

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages with parameters of type Page
ExceptionErrorPage(Throwable throwable, Page page)
RedirectPage(Page page)
RedirectPage(Page page, int waitBeforeRedirectInSeconds)

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.mock

Subclasses of Page in org.apache.wicket.mock
 class MockHomePage
          Mock Page

Methods in org.apache.wicket.mock that return types with arguments of type Page
 Class<? extends Page> MockApplication.getHomePage()

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http

Methods in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http with type parameters of type Page
<P extends Page>
WebApplication.mountPackage(String path, Class<P> pageClass)
          Mounts mounts all bookmarkable pages in a the pageClass's package to the given path.
<T extends Page>
WebApplication.mountPage(String path, Class<T> pageClass)
          Mounts a page class to the given path.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http that return types with arguments of type Page
 IContextProvider<AjaxRequestTarget,Page> WebApplication.getAjaxRequestTargetProvider()
          Returns the provider for AjaxRequestTarget objects.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http with parameters of type Page
 AjaxRequestTarget WebApplication.newAjaxRequestTarget(Page page)
          Creates a new ajax request target used to control ajax responses

Method parameters in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http with type arguments of type Page
 void WebApplication.setAjaxRequestTargetProvider(IContextProvider<AjaxRequestTarget,Page> ajaxRequestTargetProvider)
          Sets the provider for AjaxRequestTarget objects.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.request.cycle

Methods in org.apache.wicket.request.cycle with type parameters of type Page
<C extends Page>
RequestCycle.mapUrlFor(Class<C> pageClass, PageParameters parameters)
          Returns a bookmarkable URL that references a given page class using a given set of page parameters.
<C extends Page>
RequestCycle.urlFor(Class<C> pageClass, PageParameters parameters)
          Returns a rendered bookmarkable URL that references a given page class using a given set of page parameters.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.session

Methods in org.apache.wicket.session that return Page
<C extends IRequestablePage>
DefaultPageFactory.newPage(Class<C> pageClass)
<C extends IRequestablePage>
DefaultPageFactory.newPage(Class<C> pageClass, PageParameters parameters)

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.settings

Methods in org.apache.wicket.settings that return types with arguments of type Page
 Class<? extends Page> IApplicationSettings.getAccessDeniedPage()
          Gets the access denied page class.
 Class<? extends Page> IApplicationSettings.getInternalErrorPage()
          Gets internal error page class.
 Class<? extends Page> IApplicationSettings.getPageExpiredErrorPage()
          Gets the page expired page class.

Method parameters in org.apache.wicket.settings with type arguments of type Page
 void IApplicationSettings.setAccessDeniedPage(Class<? extends Page> accessDeniedPage)
          Sets the access denied page class.
 void IApplicationSettings.setInternalErrorPage(Class<? extends Page> internalErrorPage)
          Sets internal error page class.
 void IApplicationSettings.setPageExpiredErrorPage(Class<? extends Page> pageExpiredErrorPage)
          Sets the page expired page class.

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.settings.def

Methods in org.apache.wicket.settings.def that return types with arguments of type Page
 Class<? extends Page> ApplicationSettings.getAccessDeniedPage()
 Class<? extends Page> ApplicationSettings.getInternalErrorPage()
 Class<? extends Page> ApplicationSettings.getPageExpiredErrorPage()

Method parameters in org.apache.wicket.settings.def with type arguments of type Page
 void ApplicationSettings.setAccessDeniedPage(Class<? extends Page> accessDeniedPage)
 void ApplicationSettings.setInternalErrorPage(Class<? extends Page> internalErrorPage)
 void ApplicationSettings.setPageExpiredErrorPage(Class<? extends Page> pageExpiredErrorPage)

Uses of Page in org.apache.wicket.util.tester

Subclasses of Page in org.apache.wicket.util.tester
static class BaseWicketTester.StartComponentInPage
          A page that is used as the automatically created page for BaseWicketTester.startComponentInPage(Class) and the other variations.
 class DummyHomePage
          A dummy home page, as required by WicketTester.
 class DummyPanelPage
          A dummy Panel Component.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester with type parameters of type Page
<T extends Page>
WicketTester.executeTest(Class<?> testClass, Class<T> pageClass, PageParameters parameters, String filename)
          Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
<T extends Page>
WicketTester.executeTest(Class<?> testClass, Class<T> pageClass, String filename)
          Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
<C extends Page>
BaseWicketTester.isRenderedPage(Class<C> expectedRenderedPageClass)
          Asserts the last rendered Page class.
<C extends Page>
BaseWicketTester.startPage(Class<C> pageClass)
          Renders a Page from its default constructor.
<C extends Page>
BaseWicketTester.startPage(Class<C> pageClass, PageParameters parameters)
          Renders a Page from its default constructor.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester that return Page
protected  Page BaseWicketTester.createPage()
          Creates a BaseWicketTester.StartComponentInPage to test a component with BaseWicketTester.startComponentInPage(Component, IMarkupFragment)
 Page BaseWicketTester.getLastRenderedPage()
 Page ITestPageSource.getTestPage()
          Deprecated. Defines a Page instance source for WicketTester.
 Page BaseWicketTester.startPage(IPageProvider pageProvider)
          Renders the page specified by given IPageProvider.
 Page BaseWicketTester.startPage(ITestPageSource testPageSource)
          Deprecated. since 1.5 use BaseWicketTester.startPage(Page) instead
 Page BaseWicketTester.startPage(Page page)
          Renders the page.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester with parameters of type Page
 void WicketTester.executeTest(Class<?> testClass, Page page, String filename)
          Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
static List<WicketTesterHelper.ComponentData> WicketTesterHelper.getComponentData(Page page)
          Gets recursively all Components of a given Page, extracts the information relevant to us, and adds them to a List.
 Page BaseWicketTester.startPage(Page page)
          Renders the page.

Method parameters in org.apache.wicket.util.tester with type arguments of type Page
 void WicketTester.assertRenderedPage(Class<? extends Page> expectedRenderedPageClass)
          Asserts a last-rendered Page class.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.wicket.util.tester with type arguments of type Page
WicketTester(Class<? extends Page> homePage)
          Creates a WicketTester and automatically creates a WebApplication.

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