Class QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy

  extended by org.apache.wicket.request.resource.caching.QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy
extends Object
implements IResourceCachingStrategy

resource caching strategy that adds a version string to the query parameters of the resource (this is similar to how wicket 1.4 does it when enabling timestamps on resources). You should preferably use FilenameWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy since it is more reliable.

Peter Ertl
See Also:

Constructor Summary
QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy(IResourceVersion resourceVersion)
          create query string resource caching strategy

it will use a query parameter named for storing the version information.

QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy(String versionParameter, IResourceVersion resourceVersion)
          create query string resource caching strategy

it will use a query parameter with name specified by parameter resourceVersion for storing the version information.

Method Summary
 void decorateResponse(AbstractResource.ResourceResponse response, IStaticCacheableResource resource)
          decorate resource response
 void decorateUrl(ResourceUrl url, IStaticCacheableResource resource)
          add caching related information to filename + parameters
 String getVersionParameter()
 void undecorateUrl(ResourceUrl url)
          Removes caching related information from filename + parameters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy(IResourceVersion resourceVersion)
create query string resource caching strategy

it will use a query parameter named for storing the version information.

resourceVersion - resource version provider


public QueryStringWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy(String versionParameter,
                                                     IResourceVersion resourceVersion)
create query string resource caching strategy

it will use a query parameter with name specified by parameter resourceVersion for storing the version information.

versionParameter - name of version parameter which will be added to query string containing the resource version
resourceVersion - resource version provider
Method Detail


public final String getVersionParameter()
name of version parameter which will be added to query string


public void decorateUrl(ResourceUrl url,
                        IStaticCacheableResource resource)
Description copied from interface: IResourceCachingStrategy
add caching related information to filename + parameters

Specified by:
decorateUrl in interface IResourceCachingStrategy
url - parameters to which caching information should be added and which will be used to construct the url to the resource
resource - cacheable resource


public void undecorateUrl(ResourceUrl url)
Description copied from interface: IResourceCachingStrategy
Removes caching related information from filename + parameters. In essenese this method undoes what IResourceCachingStrategy.decorateUrl(ResourceUrl, IStaticCacheableResource) did.

Specified by:
undecorateUrl in interface IResourceCachingStrategy
url - parameters that were used to construct the url to the resource and from which previously added caching information should be stripped


public void decorateResponse(AbstractResource.ResourceResponse response,
                             IStaticCacheableResource resource)
Description copied from interface: IResourceCachingStrategy
decorate resource response

Specified by:
decorateResponse in interface IResourceCachingStrategy

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