Uses of Class

Packages that use TagTester
org.apache.wicket.util.tester A package with utility classes to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. 

Uses of TagTester in org.apache.wicket.util.tester

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester that return TagTester
static TagTester TagTester.createTagByAttribute(String markup, String attribute, String value)
          Static factory method for creating a TagTester based on a tag found by an attribute with a specific value.
static TagTester TagTester.createTagsByAttribute(String markup, String attribute, String value)
          Static factory method for creating a TagTester based on a tag found by an attribute with a specific value.
 TagTester TagTester.getChild(String attribute, String value)
          Gets a child tag for testing.
 TagTester BaseWicketTester.getTagById(String id)
          Retrieves a TagTester based on an DOM id.
 TagTester BaseWicketTester.getTagByWicketId(String wicketId)
          Retrieves a TagTester based on a wicket:id.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester that return types with arguments of type TagTester
static List<TagTester> TagTester.createTagsByAttribute(String markup, String attribute, String value, boolean stopAfterFirst)
          Static factory method for creating a TagTester based on a tag found by an attribute with a specific value.
 List<TagTester> BaseWicketTester.getTagsByWicketId(String wicketId)
          Modified version of BaseWicketTester#getTagByWicketId(String) that returns all matching tags instead of just the first.

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