Class AbstractFormValidator

  extended by org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior
      extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation.AbstractFormValidator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable, IComponentAwareEventSink, IFormValidator, IComponentAwareHeaderContributor
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractFormValidator
extends Behavior
implements IFormValidator

Base class for IFormValidators.

Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void error(FormComponent<?> fc)
          Reports an error against validatable using the map returned by variablesMap()for variable interpolations and message key returned by resourceKey().
 void error(FormComponent<?> fc, Map<String,Object> vars)
          Reports an error against the validatable using the given map for variable interpolations and message resource key provided by resourceKey()
 void error(FormComponent<?> fc, String resourceKey)
          Reports an error against the validatable using the given resource key
 void error(FormComponent<?> fc, String resourceKey, Map<String,Object> vars)
          Reports an error against the validatable using the specified resource key and variable map
protected  String resourceKey()
          Gets the resource key for validator's error message from the ApplicationSettings class.
protected  Map<String,Object> variablesMap()
          Gets the default variables for interpolation.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior
afterRender, beforeRender, bind, canCallListenerInterface, canCallListenerInterface, detach, getStatelessHint, isEnabled, isTemporary, onComponentTag, onConfigure, onEvent, onException, renderHead, unbind
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.validation.IFormValidator
getDependentFormComponents, validate

Constructor Detail


public AbstractFormValidator()
Method Detail


public void error(FormComponent<?> fc)
Reports an error against validatable using the map returned by variablesMap()for variable interpolations and message key returned by resourceKey().

fc - form component against which the error is reported


public void error(FormComponent<?> fc,
                  String resourceKey)
Reports an error against the validatable using the given resource key

fc - form component against which the error is reported
resourceKey - The message resource key to use


public void error(FormComponent<?> fc,
                  Map<String,Object> vars)
Reports an error against the validatable using the given map for variable interpolations and message resource key provided by resourceKey()

fc - form component against which the error is reported
vars - variables for variable interpolation


public void error(FormComponent<?> fc,
                  String resourceKey,
                  Map<String,Object> vars)
Reports an error against the validatable using the specified resource key and variable map

fc - form component against which the error is reported
resourceKey - The message resource key to use
vars - The model for variable interpolation


protected Map<String,Object> variablesMap()
Gets the default variables for interpolation. These are for every component:

a map with the variables for interpolation


protected String resourceKey()
Gets the resource key for validator's error message from the ApplicationSettings class.

the resource key based on the form component

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