Interface IResourceReferenceDependencyConfigurationService

public interface IResourceReferenceDependencyConfigurationService

You must implement this in order to use ResourceReferenceDependencyInjectingHeaderResponse. It is passed into the ResourceReferenceDependencyInjectingHeaderResponse constructor, and that header response uses it to determine dependencies for all resources.

Jeremy Thomerson
See Also:

Method Summary
 AbstractResourceDependentResourceReference configure(ResourceReference reference)
          Takes a resource reference and returns a reference that is configured with the entire dependency tree for this reference populated.

Method Detail


AbstractResourceDependentResourceReference configure(ResourceReference reference)
Takes a resource reference and returns a reference that is configured with the entire dependency tree for this reference populated. Note: this method can not return null for any reference, even those that are not configured within it. That means that it may have the resource reference for wicket-ajax.js and other wicket-related (or other library's) references passed in, and it must turn those into an AbstractResourceDependentResourceReference, even if the dependencies of that reference are empty. This ensures that later IHeaderResponse's in your decoration chain can always rely on receiving the proper type of resource reference.

reference - the reference that you need to look up dependencies for
the reference that has the entire dependency tree (all depths) populated

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