Class EnumChoiceRenderer<T extends Enum<T>>

  extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.EnumChoiceRenderer<T>
Type Parameters:
T -
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable, IChoiceRenderer<T>

public class EnumChoiceRenderer<T extends Enum<T>>
extends Object
implements IChoiceRenderer<T>

IChoiceRenderer implementation that makes it easy to work with java 5 enums. This renderer will attempt to lookup strings used for the display value using a localizer of a given component. If the component is not specified, the global instance of localizer will be used for lookups.

display value resource key format: <enum.getSimpleClassName()>.<>

id value format: <>

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructor that creates the choice renderer that will use global instance of localizer to resolve resource keys.
EnumChoiceRenderer(Component resourceSource)
Method Summary
 Object getDisplayValue(T object)
          Get the value for displaying to an end user.
 String getIdValue(T object, int index)
          This method is called to get the id value of an object (used as the value attribute of a choice element) The id can be extracted from the object like a primary key, or if the list is stable you could just return a toString of the index.
protected  CharSequence postprocess(String value)
          Postprocesses the value after it is retrieved from the localizer.
protected  String resourceKey(T object)
          Translates the object into resource key that will be used to lookup the value shown to the user
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EnumChoiceRenderer()
Constructor that creates the choice renderer that will use global instance of localizer to resolve resource keys.


public EnumChoiceRenderer(Component resourceSource)

resourceSource -
Method Detail


public final Object getDisplayValue(T object)
Get the value for displaying to an end user.

Specified by:
getDisplayValue in interface IChoiceRenderer<T extends Enum<T>>
object - the actual object
the value meant for displaying to an end user


protected String resourceKey(T object)
Translates the object into resource key that will be used to lookup the value shown to the user

object -
resource key


protected CharSequence postprocess(String value)
Postprocesses the value after it is retrieved from the localizer. Default implementation escapes any markup found in the value.

value -
postprocessed value


public String getIdValue(T object,
                         int index)
This method is called to get the id value of an object (used as the value attribute of a choice element) The id can be extracted from the object like a primary key, or if the list is stable you could just return a toString of the index.

Note that the given index can be -1 if the object in question is not contained in the available choices.

Specified by:
getIdValue in interface IChoiceRenderer<T extends Enum<T>>
object - The object for which the id should be generated
index - The index of the object in the choices list.

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