Class PackageResource

  extended by org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource
      extended by org.apache.wicket.request.resource.PackageResource
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable, IStaticCacheableResource, IResource
Direct Known Subclasses:
CssPackageResource, JavaScriptPackageResource

public class PackageResource
extends AbstractResource
implements IStaticCacheableResource

Represents a localizable static resource.

Use like eg:

 MyPackageResource IMG_UNKNOWN = new MyPackageResource(EditPage.class, "questionmark.gif");
where the static resource references image 'questionmark.gif' from the the package that EditPage is in to get a package resource.

Access to resources can be granted or denied via a IPackageResourceGuard. Please see IResourceSettings.getPackageResourceGuard() as well.

Jonathan Locke, Eelco Hillenius, Juergen Donnerstag, Matej Knopp
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class PackageResource.PackageResourceBlockedException
          Exception thrown when the creation of a package resource is not allowed.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource
AbstractResource.ResourceResponse, AbstractResource.WriteCallback
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.request.resource.IResource
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource
Constructor Summary
protected PackageResource(Class<?> scope, String name, Locale locale, String style, String variation)
          Hidden constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
static boolean exists(Class<?> scope, String path, Locale locale, String style, String variation)
          Gets whether a resource for a given set of criteria exists.
 IResourceStream getCacheableResourceStream()
          be aware that method takes the current wicket session's locale and style into account when locating the stream.
 Serializable getCacheKey()
          get unique caching key for the resource stream produced by IStaticCacheableResource.getCacheableResourceStream()
protected  IResourceStream getResourceStream()
          locate resource stream for current resource

Unfortunately this method has changed from scope 'public' in wicket 1.4 to scope 'protected' in wicket 1.5.

 Class<?> getScope()
          Gets the scoping class, used for class loading and to determine the package.
 String getStyle()
          Gets the style.
 String getTextEncoding()
          get text encoding (intented for character-based resources)
 int hashCode()
protected  AbstractResource.ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(IResource.Attributes attributes)
          creates a new resource response based on the request attributes
protected  byte[] processResponse(IResource.Attributes attributes, byte[] original)
          Gives a chance to modify the resource going to be written in the response
 void setTextEncoding(String textEncoding)
          set text encoding (intented for character-based resources)
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource
configureCache, flushResponseAfterHeaders, getCachingStrategy, respond, setResponseHeaders
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.request.resource.IResource

Constructor Detail


protected PackageResource(Class<?> scope,
                          String name,
                          Locale locale,
                          String style,
                          String variation)
Hidden constructor.

scope - This argument will be used to get the class loader for loading the package resource, and to determine what package it is in
name - The relative path to the resource
locale - The locale of the resource
style - The style of the resource
variation - The component's variation (of the style)
Method Detail


public String getTextEncoding()
get text encoding (intented for character-based resources)

custom encoding or null to use default


public void setTextEncoding(String textEncoding)
set text encoding (intented for character-based resources)

textEncoding - custom encoding or null to use default


public Serializable getCacheKey()
Description copied from interface: IStaticCacheableResource
get unique caching key for the resource stream produced by IStaticCacheableResource.getCacheableResourceStream()

Specified by:
getCacheKey in interface IStaticCacheableResource
serializable key with properly supports #equals(Object) and #hashCode()


public final Class<?> getScope()
Gets the scoping class, used for class loading and to determine the package.

the scoping class


public final String getStyle()
Gets the style.

the style


protected AbstractResource.ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(IResource.Attributes attributes)
creates a new resource response based on the request attributes

Specified by:
newResourceResponse in class AbstractResource
attributes - current request attributes from client
resource response for answering request


protected byte[] processResponse(IResource.Attributes attributes,
                                 byte[] original)
Gives a chance to modify the resource going to be written in the response

attributes - current request attributes from client
original - the original response
the processed response


public IResourceStream getCacheableResourceStream()
be aware that method takes the current wicket session's locale and style into account when locating the stream.

Specified by:
getCacheableResourceStream in interface IStaticCacheableResource
resource stream
See Also:
IStaticCacheableResource.getCacheableResourceStream(), getResourceStream()


protected IResourceStream getResourceStream()
locate resource stream for current resource

Unfortunately this method has changed from scope 'public' in wicket 1.4 to scope 'protected' in wicket 1.5. We realized this too late and now changing it would break the api. So in case you need access to this method you have the following options:

resource stream or null if not found


public static boolean exists(Class<?> scope,
                             String path,
                             Locale locale,
                             String style,
                             String variation)
Gets whether a resource for a given set of criteria exists.

scope - This argument will be used to get the class loader for loading the package resource, and to determine what package it is in. Typically this is the class in which you call this method
path - The path to the resource
locale - The locale of the resource
style - The style of the resource (see Session)
variation - The component's variation (of the style)
true if a resource could be loaded, false otherwise


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object

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