Interface IResourceStreamWriter

All Superinterfaces:
Closeable, IClusterable, IModifiable, IResourceStream, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IResourceStreamWriter
extends IResourceStream

Special IResourceStream implementation that a Resource can return when it directly wants to write to an output stream instead of return the IResourceStream#getInputStream(). That one can return null for a IResourceStreamWriter. This behavior comes in use when the resource is generated on the fly and should be streamed directly to the client so that it won't be buffered completely if the generated resource is really big.


Method Summary
 void write(Response output)
          Implement this method to write the resource data directly the the given OutputStream.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.util.resource.IResourceStream
close, getContentType, getInputStream, getLocale, getStyle, getVariation, length, setLocale, setStyle, setVariation
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


void write(Response output)
Implement this method to write the resource data directly the the given OutputStream.

output - The response where the resource can write its content into.

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