Interface IComponentSource

All Superinterfaces:
IClusterable, Serializable

Deprecated. Will be removed in Wicket 6.0

public interface IComponentSource
extends IClusterable

Interface for objects that are capable of reconstructing a component. The component and it's children must be in the exact state as they were before "dehydrating".

This is useful for parts of page that are memory heavy but easy to reconstruct. Between requests only the IComponentSource instance is kept, rather then actual component. The component is then reconstructed on first access

This feature is experimental. TODO figure out what to do with this

Matej Knopp

Method Summary
 Component restoreComponent(String id)
          Deprecated. This method must reconstruct the component as it was before "dehydrating" it.

Method Detail


Component restoreComponent(String id)
This method must reconstruct the component as it was before "dehydrating" it. Also it's children must be reconstructed

id -
reconstructed component

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