Interface IModel<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Model object.
All Superinterfaces:
IClusterable, IDetachable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IChainingModel<T>, IComponentAssignedModel<T>, IComponentInheritedModel<T>, IObjectClassAwareModel<T>, IPropertyReflectionAwareModel<T>, IWrapModel<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPropertyModel, AbstractReadOnlyModel, AbstractWrapModel, CollectionModel, ComponentDetachableModel, ComponentModel, ComponentPropertyModel, CompoundPropertyModel, FeedbackMessagesModel, GenericBaseModel, ListItemModel, ListModel, LoadableDetachableModel, MapModel, Model, PropertyModel, ResourceModel, SetModel, StringResourceModel, WicketTreeModel, WildcardCollectionModel, WildcardListModel, WildcardSetModel

public interface IModel<T>
extends IDetachable

A IModel wraps the actual model Object used by a Component. IModel implementations are used as a facade for the real model so that users have control over the actual persistence strategy. Note that objects implementing this interface will be stored in the Session. Hence, you should use (non-transient) instance variables sparingly.

Chris Turner, Eelco Hillenius, Jonathan Locke TODO 3.0: Vote on renaming get/setObject to get/setValue
See Also:
Component.sameInnermostModel(org.apache.wicket.Component), Component.sameInnermostModel(IModel)

Method Summary
 T getObject()
          Gets the model object.
 void setObject(T object)
          Sets the model object.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable

Method Detail


T getObject()
Gets the model object.

The model object


void setObject(T object)
Sets the model object.

object - The model object

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