Interface IIntrospectablePageProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PageAndComponentProvider, PageProvider

public interface IIntrospectablePageProvider

Kludge mixin until we can get this properly merged into IPageProvider in a later version of Wicket


Method Summary
 boolean hasPageInstance()
          Checks whether or not the provider has a page instance.
 boolean isPageInstanceFresh()
          Returns whether or not the page instance held by this provider has been instantiated by the provider.

Method Detail


boolean hasPageInstance()
Checks whether or not the provider has a page instance. This page instance might have been passed to this page provider directly or it may have been instantiated or retrieved from the page store.

true iff page instance has been created or retrieved


boolean isPageInstanceFresh()
Returns whether or not the page instance held by this provider has been instantiated by the provider.

true iff the page instance held by this provider was instantiated by the provider
IllegalStateException - if this method is called and the provider does not yet have a page instance, ie if #getPageInstance() has never been called on this provider

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