Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFormVisitorParticipant
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form HTML Forms and form components. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload Support for upload forms (using multipart requests). 

Uses of IFormVisitorParticipant in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form

Classes in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form that implement IFormVisitorParticipant
 class AjaxButton
          A button that submits the form via ajax.
 class AjaxCheckBox
          A CheckBox which is updated via ajax when the user changes its value
 class AjaxFallbackButton
          An ajax submit button that will degrade to a normal request if ajax is not available or javascript is disabled.

Uses of IFormVisitorParticipant in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form that implement IFormVisitorParticipant
 class AbstractChoice<T,E>
          Abstract base class for all choice (html select) options.
 class AbstractSingleSelectChoice<T>
          Abstract base class for single-select choices.
 class AbstractTextComponent<T>
          Abstract base class for TextArea and TextField.
 class Button
          A form button.
 class CheckBox
          HTML checkbox input component.
 class CheckBoxMultipleChoice<T>
          A choice subclass that shows choices via checkboxes.
 class CheckGroup<T>
          Component used to connect instances of Check components into a group.
 class DropDownChoice<T>
          A choice implemented as a dropdown menu/list.
 class EmailTextField
          A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type email.
 class FormComponent<T>
          An HTML form component knows how to validate itself.
 class FormComponentPanel<T>
          Panel (has it's own markup, defined between tags), that can act as a form component.
 class HiddenField<T>
          TextField doesn't permit the html so this is a simple subclass to allow this A HiddenField is useful when you have a javascript based component that updates the form state.
 class ImageButton
          <input type="image"> component - like Button only with an image.
 class ListChoice<T>
          Essentially a drop down choice that doesn't drop down.
 class ListMultipleChoice<T>
          A multiple choice list component.
 class NumberTextField<N extends Number & Comparable<N>>
          A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type number.
 class PasswordTextField
          A password text field component.
 class RadioChoice<T>
          A choice subclass that shows choices in radio style.
 class RadioGroup<T>
          Component used to connect instances of Radio components into a group.
 class RangeTextField<N extends Number & Comparable<N>>
          A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type range.
 class RequiredTextField<T>
          A text field which automatically adds a Required.
 class TextArea<T>
          Multi-row text editing component.
 class TextField<T>
          A simple text field.
 class UrlTextField
          A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type url.

Uses of IFormVisitorParticipant in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload that implement IFormVisitorParticipant
 class FileUploadField
          Form component that corresponds to a <input type="file">.
 class MultiFileUploadField
          Form component that allows the user to select multiple files to upload via a single <input type="file"/> field.

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