Class WebSession

  extended by org.apache.wicket.Session
      extended by org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IEventSink, IClusterable

public class WebSession
extends Session

A session subclass for the HTTP protocol.

Jonathan Locke
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Session
Constructor Summary
WebSession(Request request)
Method Summary
 boolean authenticate(String username, String password)
          Note: You must subclass WebSession and implement your own.
protected  void cleanupComponentFeedbackMessages()
          Clear all feedback messages
 void cleanupFeedbackMessages()
          Cleans up all rendered feedback messages and any unrendered, dangling feedback messages there may be left after that.
static WebSession get()
 WebClientInfo getClientInfo()
          Gets the client info object for this session. To gather the client information this implementation redirects temporarily to a special page (BrowserInfoPage).
 void invalidate()
          Call signOut() and remove the logon data from whereever they have been persisted (e.g.
protected  WebPage newBrowserInfoPage()
          Override this method if you want to use a custom page for gathering the client's browser information.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Session
bind, clear, debug, detach, dirty, error, exists, fatal, getApplication, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getAuthorizationStrategy, getClassResolver, getFeedbackMessages, getId, getLocale, getMetaData, getPageFactory, getPageManager, getSessionStore, getSizeInBytes, getStyle, info, internalDetach, invalidateNow, isCurrentRequestValid, isSessionInvalidated, isTemporary, nextPageId, nextSequenceValue, onEvent, onInvalidate, removeAttribute, replaceSession, setAttribute, setClientInfo, setLocale, setMetaData, setStyle, success, warn
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WebSession(Request request)
Constructor. Note that RequestCycle is not available until this constructor returns.

request - The current request
Method Detail


public static WebSession get()


public void cleanupFeedbackMessages()
Description copied from class: Session
Cleans up all rendered feedback messages and any unrendered, dangling feedback messages there may be left after that.

Specified by:
cleanupFeedbackMessages in class Session
See Also:


protected void cleanupComponentFeedbackMessages()
Clear all feedback messages


public void invalidate()
Call signOut() and remove the logon data from whereever they have been persisted (e.g. Cookies)

invalidate in class Session
See Also:


public boolean authenticate(String username,
                            String password)
Note: You must subclass WebSession and implement your own. We didn't want to make it abstract to force every application to implement it. Instead we throw an exception.

username - The username
password - The password
True if the user was authenticated successfully


public WebClientInfo getClientInfo()
Gets the client info object for this session. This method lazily gets the new agent info object for this session. It uses any cached or set (Session.setClientInfo(ClientInfo)) client info object.

To gather the client information this implementation redirects temporarily to a special page (BrowserInfoPage).

Note: Do not call this method from your custom Session constructor because the temporary page needs a constructed Session to be able to work.

If you need to set a default client info property then better use Session.setClientInfo(org.apache.wicket.request.ClientInfo) directly.

Specified by:
getClientInfo in class Session
the client info object based on this request


protected WebPage newBrowserInfoPage()
Override this method if you want to use a custom page for gathering the client's browser information.
The easiest way is just to extend BrowserInfoPage and provide your own markup file

the WebPage which should be used while gathering browser info

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