Interface IObjectChecker

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractObjectChecker, NotDetachedModelChecker, OrphanComponentChecker, SerializableChecker.ObjectSerializationChecker

public interface IObjectChecker

IObjectChecker can be used to check whether an object has/has not given state before serializing it. The serialization will be stopped if the object doesn't pass the #check(Object) check.

Nested Class Summary
static class IObjectChecker.Result
          Represents the result of a check.
Method Summary
 IObjectChecker.Result check(Object object)
          Checks an object that it meets some requirements before serializing it
 List<Class<?>> getExclusions()

Method Detail


IObjectChecker.Result check(Object object)
Checks an object that it meets some requirements before serializing it

object - the object to check
a Result object describing whether the check is successful or not


List<Class<?>> getExclusions()
A list of types which should not be checked by this checker

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