Package org.apache.wicket.markup.transformer

Transformers are able to post-process (transform) the output generated by a Component.


Interface Summary
ITransformer A common interface to be implemented be OutputTransformerContainers and TranformerBehaviors which post-process the output markup of a component.

Class Summary
AbstractOutputTransformerContainer This abstract container provides the means to post-process the markup generated by its child components (excluding the containers tag)
AbstractTransformerBehavior A Behavior which can be added to any component.
NoopOutputTransformerContainer An implementation of an output transformer which does nothing.
XsltOutputTransformerContainer A container which output markup will be processes by a XSLT processor prior to writing the output into the web response.
XsltTransformer A processor to XSLT transform the output generated by a Component.
XsltTransformerBehavior An IBehavior which can be added to any component except ListView.

Package org.apache.wicket.markup.transformer Description

Transformers are able to post-process (transform) the output generated by a Component. That might be XSLT, XQuery or any other processor. Transformers can be implemented as Container or IBehaviour. Both variants redirect the output to a StringResponse which at the end is used as input to the transformer. The output of transformer is than written to the original response.

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