Interface HeaderResponseContainerFilteringHeaderResponse.IHeaderResponseFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHeaderResponseFilter, CssAcceptingHeaderResponseFilter, JavaScriptAcceptingHeaderResponseFilter, OppositeHeaderResponseFilter
Enclosing class:

public static interface HeaderResponseContainerFilteringHeaderResponse.IHeaderResponseFilter

A filter used to bucket your resources, inline scripts, etc, into different responses. The bucketed resources are then rendered by a HeaderResponseFilteredResponseContainer, using the name of the filter to get the correct bucket.

Jeremy Thomerson

Method Summary
 boolean acceptOtherCss()
          Whenever a renderCSS* method on IHeaderResponse is called that is not a ResourceReference (i.e.
 boolean acceptOtherJavaScript()
          Whenever a render*JavaScript method on IHeaderResponse is called that is not a ResourceReference (i.e.
 boolean acceptReference(ResourceReference ref)
          Determines whether a given ResourceReference should be rendered in the bucket represented by this filter.
 String getName()

Method Detail


String getName()
name of the filter (used by the container that renders these resources)


boolean acceptReference(ResourceReference ref)
Determines whether a given ResourceReference should be rendered in the bucket represented by this filter.

ref - the reference to be rendered
true if it should be bucketed with other things in this filter


boolean acceptOtherJavaScript()
Whenever a render*JavaScript method on IHeaderResponse is called that is not a ResourceReference (i.e. IHeaderResponse.renderOnDomReadyJavaScript(String)), this method determines if the script should be bucketed with other things in this filter. Note that calls to IHeaderResponse.renderJavaScriptReference(String url) are also filtered with this method since there is no actual ResourceReference to pass

true if javascript should be bucketed with other things in this filter


boolean acceptOtherCss()
Whenever a renderCSS* method on IHeaderResponse is called that is not a ResourceReference (i.e. IHeaderResponse.renderCSSReference(String), or IHeaderResponse.renderCSSReference(String, String)), this method determines if the CSS reference should be bucketed with other things in this filter.

true if css should be bucketed with other things in this filter

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