Interface IFormValidator

All Superinterfaces:
IClusterable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormValidator, EqualInputValidator, EqualPasswordInputValidator, FormValidatorAdapter

public interface IFormValidator
extends IClusterable

Interface that represents validators that check multiple components. These validators are added to the form and only executed if all form components returned by getDependentFormComponents() have been successfully validated before this validator runs. TODO post 1.3: remove validate(form) *make IFormValidator extends IValidator where IValidatable's value is form.modelobject and error reports on form - that way IBehaviorProvider can extend IValidator

Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)

Method Summary
 FormComponent<?>[] getDependentFormComponents()
 void validate(Form<?> form)
          This method is ran if all components returned by getDependentFormComponents() are valid.

Method Detail


FormComponent<?>[] getDependentFormComponents()
array of FormComponents that this validator depends on


void validate(Form<?> form)
This method is ran if all components returned by getDependentFormComponents() are valid.

form - form this validator is added to

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