Package org.apache.wicket.settings

Interface Summary
IApplicationSettings Settings interface for application settings.
IDebugSettings Settings interface for various debug settings componentUseCheck (defaults to true in development mode) - causes the framework to do a check after rendering each page to ensure that each component was used in rendering the markup.
IExceptionSettings Settings interface for configuring exception handling related settings.
IFrameworkSettings Framework settings for retrieving and configuring framework settings.
IMarkupSettings Interface for markup related settings.
IPageSettings Interface for page related settings.
IRequestCycleSettings Interface for request related settings bufferResponse (defaults to true) - True if the application should buffer responses.
IResourceSettings Interface for resource related settings resourcePollFrequency (defaults to no polling frequency) - Frequency at which resources should be polled for changes.
ISecuritySettings Interface for security related settings
ISessionSettings Interface for session related settings pageFactory - The factory class that is used for constructing page instances.
IStoreSettings An interface for settings related to the the storages where page instances are persisted - IPageStore, IDataStore and IPageManager.

Class Summary
IExceptionSettings.UnexpectedExceptionDisplay Enumerated type for different ways of displaying unexpected exceptions.

Enum Summary
IExceptionSettings.AjaxErrorStrategy How to handle errors while processing an Ajax request
IExceptionSettings.ThreadDumpStrategy Which threads' stacktrace to dump when a page lock timeout occurs
IRequestCycleSettings.RenderStrategy Enum type for different render strategies

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