Interface AjaxRequestTarget

All Superinterfaces:
ILoggableRequestHandler, IPageClassRequestHandler, IPageRequestHandler, IRequestHandler
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AjaxRequestTarget
extends IPageRequestHandler, ILoggableRequestHandler


Nested Class Summary
static interface AjaxRequestTarget.IJavaScriptResponse
          An ajax javascript response that allows users to add javascript to be executed on the client side
static interface AjaxRequestTarget.IListener
          An AjaxRequestTarget listener that can be used to respond to various target-related events
static interface AjaxRequestTarget.ITargetRespondListener
          Components can implement this interface to get a notification when AjaxRequestTarget begins to respond.
Method Summary
 void add(Component... components)
          Adds components to the list of components to be rendered.
 void add(Component component, String markupId)
          Adds a component to the list of components to be rendered
 void addChildren(MarkupContainer parent, Class<?> childCriteria)
          Visits all children of the specified parent container and adds them to the target if they are of same type as childCriteria
 void addListener(AjaxRequestTarget.IListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this target
 void appendJavaScript(CharSequence javascript)
          Adds javascript that will be evaluated on the client side after components are replaced
 void focusComponent(Component component)
          Sets the focus in the browser to the given component.
 Collection<? extends Component> getComponents()
          Returns an unmodifiable collection of all components added to this target
 IHeaderResponse getHeaderResponse()
          Returns the header response associated with current AjaxRequestTarget.
 String getLastFocusedElementId()
          Returns the HTML id of the last focused element.
 Page getPage()
          Returns the page.
 void prependJavaScript(CharSequence javascript)
          Adds javascript that will be evaluated on the client side before components are replaced
 void registerRespondListener(AjaxRequestTarget.ITargetRespondListener listener)
          Register the given respond listener.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.IPageRequestHandler
getPageId, getRenderCount, isPageInstanceCreated
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.IPageClassRequestHandler
getPageClass, getPageParameters
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestHandler
detach, respond
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.request.ILoggableRequestHandler

Method Detail


void add(Component component,
         String markupId)
Adds a component to the list of components to be rendered

markupId - id of client-side dom element that will be updated
component - component to be rendered
IllegalArgumentException - if the component is a Page or an AbstractRepeater
IllegalStateException - if the components are currently being rendered, or have already been rendered


void add(Component... components)
Adds components to the list of components to be rendered.

components - components to be rendered


void addChildren(MarkupContainer parent,
                 Class<?> childCriteria)
Visits all children of the specified parent container and adds them to the target if they are of same type as childCriteria

parent - Must not be null.
childCriteria - Must not be null. If you want to traverse all components use ` Component.class as the value for this argument.


void addListener(AjaxRequestTarget.IListener listener)
Adds a listener to this target

listener -
IllegalStateException - if AjaxRequestTarget.IListener's events are currently being fired or have both been fired already


void appendJavaScript(CharSequence javascript)
Adds javascript that will be evaluated on the client side after components are replaced

javascript -


void prependJavaScript(CharSequence javascript)
Adds javascript that will be evaluated on the client side before components are replaced

javascript -


void registerRespondListener(AjaxRequestTarget.ITargetRespondListener listener)
Register the given respond listener. The listener's AjaxRequestTarget.ITargetRespondListener.onTargetRespond(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget) method will be invoked when the AjaxRequestTarget starts to respond.

listener -


Collection<? extends Component> getComponents()
Returns an unmodifiable collection of all components added to this target

unmodifiable collection of all components added to this target


void focusComponent(Component component)
Sets the focus in the browser to the given component. The markup id must be set. If the component is null the focus will not be set to any component.

component - The component to get the focus or null.


IHeaderResponse getHeaderResponse()
Returns the header response associated with current AjaxRequestTarget. Beware that only renderOnDomReadyJavaScript and renderOnLoadJavaScript can be called outside the renderHeader(IHeaderResponse response) method. Calls to other render** methods will result in the call failing with a debug-level log statement to help you see why it failed.

header response


String getLastFocusedElementId()
Returns the HTML id of the last focused element.

markup id of last focused element, null if none


Page getPage()
Returns the page. Be aware that the page can be instantiated if this wasn't the case already.

Specified by:
getPage in interface IPageRequestHandler
page instance

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