Class AjaxCallListener

  extended by org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxCallListener
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IAjaxCallListener, IComponentAwareHeaderContributor, IClusterable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AjaxCallListener
extends Object
implements IAjaxCallListener, IComponentAwareHeaderContributor

An adapter for implementations of IAjaxCallListener.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 CharSequence getAfterHandler(Component component)
          The JavaScript that will be executed after the Ajax call.
 CharSequence getBeforeHandler(Component component)
          The JavaScript that will be executed before the Ajax call.
 CharSequence getCompleteHandler(Component component)
          The JavaScript that will be executed after both successful and unsuccessful return of the Ajax call.
 CharSequence getFailureHandler(Component component)
          The JavaScript that will be executed after unsuccessful return of the Ajax call.
 CharSequence getPrecondition(Component component)
          A JavaScript function that is invoked before the request executes.
 CharSequence getSuccessHandler(Component component)
          The JavaScript that will be executed after successful return of the Ajax call.
 AjaxCallListener onAfter(CharSequence after)
 AjaxCallListener onBefore(CharSequence before)
 AjaxCallListener onComplete(CharSequence complete)
 AjaxCallListener onFailure(CharSequence failure)
 AjaxCallListener onPrecondition(CharSequence precondition)
 AjaxCallListener onSuccess(CharSequence success)
 void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse response)
          Render to the web response whatever the component-aware wants to contribute to the head section.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AjaxCallListener()
Method Detail


public AjaxCallListener onBefore(CharSequence before)


public AjaxCallListener onAfter(CharSequence after)


public AjaxCallListener onSuccess(CharSequence success)


public AjaxCallListener onFailure(CharSequence failure)


public AjaxCallListener onComplete(CharSequence complete)


public AjaxCallListener onPrecondition(CharSequence precondition)


public CharSequence getSuccessHandler(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
The JavaScript that will be executed after successful return of the Ajax call. The script will be executed in a function that receives the following parameters:
  1. data - the Ajax response. Its type depends on AjaxRequestAttributes.dataType
  2. textStatus - the status as text
  3. jqXHR - the jQuery XMLHttpRequest object
  4. attrs - the AjaxRequestAttributes as JSON

Specified by:
getSuccessHandler in interface IAjaxCallListener
component - the Component with the Ajax behavior
the JavaScript that will be executed after a successful return of the Ajax call.


public CharSequence getFailureHandler(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
The JavaScript that will be executed after unsuccessful return of the Ajax call. The script will be executed in a function that receives the following parameters:
  1. attrs - the AjaxRequestAttributes as JSON

Specified by:
getFailureHandler in interface IAjaxCallListener
component - the Component with the Ajax behavior
the JavaScript that will be executed after a unsuccessful return of the Ajax call.


public CharSequence getBeforeHandler(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
The JavaScript that will be executed before the Ajax call. The script will be executed in a function that receives the following parameters:
  1. attrs - the AjaxRequestAttributes as JSON
  2. jqXHR - the jQuery XMLHttpRequest object
  3. settings - the settings used for the jQuery.ajax() call

Specified by:
getBeforeHandler in interface IAjaxCallListener
component - the Component with the Ajax behavior
the JavaScript that will be executed before the Ajax call.


public CharSequence getAfterHandler(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
The JavaScript that will be executed after the Ajax call. The script will be executed in a function that receives the following parameters:
  1. attrs - the AjaxRequestAttributes as JSON

Specified by:
getAfterHandler in interface IAjaxCallListener
component - the Component with the Ajax behavior
the JavaScript that will be executed after the start of the Ajax call but before its response is returned. Note: if the Ajax call is synchronous (see AjaxRequestAttributes.setAsynchronous(boolean)) then this JavaScript will be executed after the complete handler.


public CharSequence getCompleteHandler(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
The JavaScript that will be executed after both successful and unsuccessful return of the Ajax call. The script will be executed in a function that receives the following parameters:
  1. jqXHR - the jQuery XMLHttpRequest object
  2. textStatus - the status as text
  3. attrs - the AjaxRequestAttributes as JSON

Specified by:
getCompleteHandler in interface IAjaxCallListener
component - the Component with the Ajax behavior
the JavaScript that will be executed after both successful and unsuccessful return of the Ajax call.


public CharSequence getPrecondition(Component component)
Description copied from interface: IAjaxCallListener
A JavaScript function that is invoked before the request executes. If it returns false then the execution of the Ajax call will be cancelled.

Specified by:
getPrecondition in interface IAjaxCallListener


public void renderHead(Component component,
                       IHeaderResponse response)
Description copied from interface: IComponentAwareHeaderContributor
Render to the web response whatever the component-aware wants to contribute to the head section.

Specified by:
renderHead in interface IComponentAwareHeaderContributor
component - component which is contributing to the response. This parameter is here to give the component as the context for component-awares implementing this interface
response - Response object

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