Interface IComponentAwareEventSink

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAjaxBehavior, AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior, AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AbstractFormValidator, AbstractRangeValidator, AbstractTransformerBehavior, AbstractValidator, AjaxEventBehavior, AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior, AjaxFormValidatingBehavior, AjaxNewWindowNotifyingBehavior, AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior, AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior, AttributeAppender, AttributeModifier, Behavior, BorderBehavior, CompoundValidator, ContextPathGenerator, DateValidator, EqualInputValidator, EqualPasswordInputValidator, FormValidatorAdapter, OnChangeAjaxBehavior, RangeValidator, StringValidator, ValidatorAdapter, WicketMessageTagHandler.AttributeLocalizer, XsltTransformerBehavior

public interface IComponentAwareEventSink

A specialization of IEventSink that adds component as an additional parameter to the onEvent(Component, IEvent) method. This interface is useful for component plugins which wish to participate in event processing, for example Behaviors


Method Summary
 void onEvent(Component component, IEvent<?> event)
          Called when an event is sent to this behavior sink

Method Detail


void onEvent(Component component,
             IEvent<?> event)
Called when an event is sent to this behavior sink

component - component that owns this sink. For example, if the implementation of this interface is a Behavior then component parameter will contain the component to which the behavior is attached.
event -

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