Package org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver

Resolvers implement the IComponentResolver interface and must be registered with the application.


Interface Summary
AutoLinkResolver.IAutolinkResolverDelegate Interface to delegate the actual resolving of auto components to.
IComponentResolver IComponentResolvers are responsible for mapping component names to Wicket components.

Class Summary
AutoLinkResolver The AutoLinkResolver is responsible to handle automatic link resolution.
AutoLinkResolver.AbstractAutolinkResolverDelegate Abstract implementation that has a helper method for creating a resource reference.
AutoLinkResolver.AutolinkBookmarkablePageLink<T> Autolink components delegate component resolution to their parent components.
AutoLinkResolver.PathInfo Encapsulates different aspects of a path.
ComponentResolvers Utility class for IComponentResolvers
FragmentResolver Usually you either have a markup file or a xml tag with wicket:id="myComponent" to associate markup with a component.
HtmlHeaderResolver This is a tag resolver which handles <head> and <wicket:head>tags.
MarkupInheritanceResolver Detect <wicket:extend> and <wicket:child> tags, which are silently ignored, because they have already been processed.
WicketContainerResolver This is a tag resolver which handles <wicket:container> Sometimes adding components in certain ways may lead to output of invalid markup.
WicketMessageResolver This is a tag resolver which handles <wicket:message key="myKey">Default Text</wicket:message>.

Package org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver Description

Resolvers implement the IComponentResolver interface and must be registered with the application. Most of them are registered by default. Resolvers are used by Wicket to find the Component associated with markup (wicket:id) where the Component is not simply a child of the parent container.

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