Class InlineFrame

  extended by org.apache.wicket.Component
      extended by org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer
          extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Component>, IEventSink, IEventSource, IConverterLocator, IRequestListener, IHeaderContributor, ILinkListener, IRequestableComponent, IHierarchical<Component>, IClusterable

public class InlineFrame
extends WebMarkupContainer
implements ILinkListener

Implementation of an inline frame component. Must be used with an iframe (<iframe src...) element. The src attribute will be generated.

Sven Meier, Ralf Ebert
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Component
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
InlineFrame(String id, Class<C> c)
          Constructs an inline frame that instantiates the given Page class when the content of the inline frame is requested.
InlineFrame(String id, Class<C> c, PageParameters params)
          Constructs an inline frame that instantiates the given Page class when the content of the inline frame is requested.
InlineFrame(String id, IPageLink pageLink)
          This constructor is ideal for constructing pages lazily.
InlineFrame(String id, Page page)
          This constructor is ideal if a Page object was passed in from a previous Page.
Method Summary
protected  boolean getStatelessHint()
          Returns whether the component can be stateless.
protected  CharSequence getURL()
          Gets the url to use for this link.
protected  void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
          Handles this frame's tag.
 void onLinkClicked()
          Called when a link is clicked.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer
getWebPage, getWebRequest, getWebResponse, getWebSession
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer
add, addOrReplace, autoAdd, contains, get, get, getAssociatedMarkup, getAssociatedMarkupStream, getMarkup, getMarkupType, internalAdd, internalInitialize, iterator, iterator, onAfterRenderChildren, onComponentTagBody, onRender, remove, remove, removeAll, renderAll, renderAssociatedMarkup, renderNext, replace, setDefaultModel, size, swap, toString, toString, visitChildren, visitChildren, visitChildren, visitChildren
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Component
add, addStateChange, afterRender, beforeRender, canCallListenerInterface, checkComponentTag, checkComponentTagAttribute, checkHierarchyChange, clearOriginalDestination, configure, continueToOriginalDestination, debug, detach, detachModel, detachModels, determineVisibility, error, exceptionMessage, fatal, findMarkupStream, findPage, findParent, findParentWithAssociatedMarkup, getAjaxRegionMarkupId, getApplication, getBehaviorById, getBehaviorId, getBehaviors, getBehaviors, getClassRelativePath, getConverter, getDefaultModel, getDefaultModelObject, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getEscapeModelStrings, getFeedbackMessages, getFlag, getId, getInnermostModel, getInnermostModel, getLocale, getLocalizer, getMarkup, getMarkupAttributes, getMarkupId, getMarkupId, getMarkupIdFromMarkup, getMarkupIdImpl, getMarkupSourcingStrategy, getMetaData, getModelComparator, getOutputMarkupId, getOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, getPage, getPageRelativePath, getParent, getPath, getRenderBodyOnly, getRequest, getRequestCycle, getRequestFlag, getResponse, getSession, getSizeInBytes, getString, getString, getString, getStyle, getVariation, hasBeenRendered, hasErrorMessage, hasFeedbackMessage, info, initModel, internalOnModelChanged, internalPrepareForRender, internalRenderComponent, isActionAuthorized, isAuto, isBehaviorAccepted, isEnableAllowed, isEnabled, isEnabledInHierarchy, isIgnoreAttributeModifier, isRenderAllowed, isStateless, isVersioned, isVisibilityAllowed, isVisible, isVisibleInHierarchy, markRendering, modelChanged, modelChanging, newMarkupSourcingStrategy, onAfterRender, onBeforeRender, onConfigure, onDetach, onEvent, onInitialize, onModelChanged, onModelChanging, onRemove, prepareForRender, redirectToInterceptPage, remove, remove, render, renderComponentTag, rendered, renderHead, renderHead, renderHead, renderPlaceholderTag, replaceComponentTagBody, replaceWith, sameInnermostModel, sameInnermostModel, send, setAuto, setDefaultModelObject, setEnabled, setEscapeModelStrings, setFlag, setIgnoreAttributeModifier, setMarkup, setMarkupId, setMarkupIdImpl, setMetaData, setOutputMarkupId, setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, setParent, setRenderBodyOnly, setRequestFlag, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setVersioned, setVisibilityAllowed, setVisible, success, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, visitParents, visitParents, warn, wrap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InlineFrame(String id,
                   Class<C> c)
Constructs an inline frame that instantiates the given Page class when the content of the inline frame is requested. The instantiated Page is used to render a response to the user.

Type Parameters:
C -
id - See Component
c - Page class


public InlineFrame(String id,
                   Class<C> c,
                   PageParameters params)
Constructs an inline frame that instantiates the given Page class when the content of the inline frame is requested. The instantiated Page is used to render a response to the user.

Type Parameters:
C -
id - See Component
c - Page class
params - Page parameters


public InlineFrame(String id,
                   Page page)
This constructor is ideal if a Page object was passed in from a previous Page. Construct an inline frame containing the given Page.

id - See component
page - The page


public InlineFrame(String id,
                   IPageLink pageLink)
This constructor is ideal for constructing pages lazily. Constructs an inline frame which invokes the getPage() method of the IPageLink interface when the content of the inline frame is requested. Whatever Page objects is returned by this method will be rendered back to the user.

id - See Component
pageLink - An implementation of IPageLink which will create the page to be contained in the inline frame if and when the content is requested
Method Detail


protected CharSequence getURL()
Gets the url to use for this link.

The URL that this link links to


protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
Handles this frame's tag.

onComponentTag in class Component
tag - the component tag
See Also:


public final void onLinkClicked()
Description copied from interface: ILinkListener
Called when a link is clicked.

Specified by:
onLinkClicked in interface ILinkListener
See Also:


protected boolean getStatelessHint()
Description copied from class: Component
Returns whether the component can be stateless. Also the component behaviors must be stateless, otherwise the component will be treat as stateful. In order for page to be stateless (and not to be stored in session), all components (and component behaviors) must be stateless.

getStatelessHint in class Component
whether the component can be stateless

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