Class BrowserInfoPage

  extended by org.apache.wicket.Component
      extended by org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer
          extended by org.apache.wicket.Page
              extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage
                  extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.BrowserInfoPage
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Component>, IEventSink, IEventSource, IConverterLocator, IRedirectListener, IRequestListener, IHeaderContributor, IManageablePage, IRequestableComponent, IRequestablePage, IHierarchical<Component>, IClusterable

public class BrowserInfoPage
extends WebPage

This page uses a form post right after the page has loaded in the browser, using JavaScript or alternative means to detect and pass on settings to the embedded form. The form submit method updates this session's ClientInfo object and then redirects to the original location as was passed in as a URL argument in the constructor.

This page is being used by the default implementation of Session.getClientInfo(), which in turn uses a setting to determine whether this page should be redirected to (it does when it is true).

Eelco Hillenius
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Component
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.IRedirectListener
Constructor Summary
          Bookmarkable constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean isVersioned()
 void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response)
          Render to the web response whatever the component wants to contribute to the head section.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage
configureResponse, dirty, getMarkupType, homePageLink, onAfterRender, onRender, renderXmlDecl, setHeaders
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Page
componentChanged, componentRendered, detachModels, dirty, endComponentRender, getAutoIndex, getId, getPageClass, getPageId, getPageParameters, getPageReference, getRenderCount, getSizeInBytes, getStatelessHint, hierarchyAsString, internalOnModelChanged, internalPrepareForRender, isBookmarkable, isErrorPage, isPageStateless, onBeforeRender, onDetach, onInitialize, onRedirect, renderPage, setFreezePageId, setNumericId, setStatelessHint, setWasCreatedBookmarkable, startComponentRender, toString, wasCreatedBookmarkable, wasRendered
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer
add, addOrReplace, autoAdd, contains, get, get, getAssociatedMarkup, getAssociatedMarkupStream, getMarkup, internalAdd, internalInitialize, iterator, iterator, onAfterRenderChildren, onComponentTagBody, remove, remove, removeAll, renderAll, renderAssociatedMarkup, renderNext, replace, setDefaultModel, size, swap, toString, visitChildren, visitChildren, visitChildren, visitChildren
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.Component
add, addStateChange, afterRender, beforeRender, canCallListenerInterface, checkComponentTag, checkComponentTagAttribute, checkHierarchyChange, clearOriginalDestination, configure, continueToOriginalDestination, debug, detach, detachModel, determineVisibility, error, exceptionMessage, fatal, findMarkupStream, findPage, findParent, findParentWithAssociatedMarkup, getAjaxRegionMarkupId, getApplication, getBehaviorById, getBehaviorId, getBehaviors, getBehaviors, getClassRelativePath, getConverter, getDefaultModel, getDefaultModelObject, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getDefaultModelObjectAsString, getEscapeModelStrings, getFeedbackMessages, getFlag, getInnermostModel, getInnermostModel, getLocale, getLocalizer, getMarkup, getMarkupAttributes, getMarkupId, getMarkupId, getMarkupIdFromMarkup, getMarkupIdImpl, getMarkupSourcingStrategy, getMetaData, getModelComparator, getOutputMarkupId, getOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, getPage, getPageRelativePath, getParent, getPath, getRenderBodyOnly, getRequest, getRequestCycle, getRequestFlag, getResponse, getSession, getString, getString, getString, getStyle, getVariation, hasBeenRendered, hasErrorMessage, hasFeedbackMessage, info, initModel, internalRenderComponent, isActionAuthorized, isAuto, isBehaviorAccepted, isEnableAllowed, isEnabled, isEnabledInHierarchy, isIgnoreAttributeModifier, isRenderAllowed, isStateless, isVisibilityAllowed, isVisible, isVisibleInHierarchy, markRendering, modelChanged, modelChanging, newMarkupSourcingStrategy, onComponentTag, onConfigure, onEvent, onModelChanged, onModelChanging, onReAdd, onRemove, prepareForRender, redirectToInterceptPage, remove, remove, render, renderComponentTag, rendered, renderHead, renderHead, renderPlaceholderTag, replaceComponentTagBody, replaceWith, sameInnermostModel, sameInnermostModel, send, setAuto, setDefaultModelObject, setEnabled, setEscapeModelStrings, setFlag, setIgnoreAttributeModifier, setMarkup, setMarkupId, setMarkupIdImpl, setMetaData, setOutputMarkupId, setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag, setParent, setRenderBodyOnly, setRequestFlag, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setVersioned, setVisibilityAllowed, setVisible, success, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, visitParents, visitParents, warn, wrap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestableComponent
detach, get, getBehaviorById, getBehaviorId, getPage, getPageRelativePath
Methods inherited from interface

Constructor Detail


public BrowserInfoPage()
Bookmarkable constructor. This is not for normal framework client use. It will be called whenever JavaScript is not supported, and the browser info page's meta refresh fires to this page. Prior to this, the other constructor should already have been called.

Method Detail


public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response)
Description copied from class: Component
Render to the web response whatever the component wants to contribute to the head section.

Specified by:
renderHead in interface IHeaderContributor
renderHead in class Component
response - Response object


public boolean isVersioned()
isVersioned in class Component
true if this component should notify its holding page about changes in its state. If a Page is not versioned then it wont track changes in its components and will use the same Page.getPageId() during its lifetime

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