Class HtmlDocumentValidator

  extended by org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.documentvalidation.HtmlDocumentValidator

public class HtmlDocumentValidator
extends Object

Simple class that provides a convenient programmatic way to define what an expected HTML document should look like and then to validate a supplied document against this template. Note that this validator expects very clean HTML (which should not be a problem during testing). In particular it expects tags to be matched and that the following tags with optional close tags are actually closed: p, td, th, li and option.

Chris Turner

Constructor Summary
          Create the validator.
Method Summary
 void addRootElement(DocumentElement e)
          Add a root element to the validator.
 boolean isDocumentValid(String document)
          Check whether the supplied document is valid against the spec that has been built up within the validator.
 void setSkipComments(boolean skipComments)
          Set whether to skip comments of not when validating.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HtmlDocumentValidator()
Create the validator.

Method Detail


public void addRootElement(DocumentElement e)
Add a root element to the validator. This will generally be the HTML element to which all children are added. However, it may also be other elements to represent comments or similar.

e - The element to add


public boolean isDocumentValid(String document)
Check whether the supplied document is valid against the spec that has been built up within the validator.

document - The document to validate
Whether the document is valid or not


public void setSkipComments(boolean skipComments)
Set whether to skip comments of not when validating. The default is true. If this is set to false then Comment elements must be added to represent each comment to be validated.

skipComments - Whether to skip comments or not

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