Uses of Class

Packages that use WebApplication
org.apache.wicket.markup.html Base package of HTML markup. 
org.apache.wicket.protocol.http HTTP implementation. 
org.apache.wicket.util.tester A package with utility classes to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. 

Uses of WebApplication in org.apache.wicket.markup.html

Methods in org.apache.wicket.markup.html that return WebApplication
 WebApplication WebMarkupContainer.getWebApplication()
          A convenience method to return the WebApplication.
 WebApplication WebComponent.getWebApplication()
          A convenience method to return the WebApplication.

Uses of WebApplication in org.apache.wicket.mock

Subclasses of WebApplication in org.apache.wicket.mock
 class MockApplication
          WebApplication used for testing.

Uses of WebApplication in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http

Methods in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http that return WebApplication
protected  WebApplication ContextParamWebApplicationFactory.createApplication(String applicationClassName)
          Instantiates the application instance.
 WebApplication IWebApplicationFactory.createApplication(WicketFilter filter)
          Create application object
 WebApplication ContextParamWebApplicationFactory.createApplication(WicketFilter filter)
static WebApplication WebApplication.get()
          Covariant override for easy getting the current WebApplication without having to cast it.
protected  WebApplication WicketFilter.getApplication()

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.protocol.http with parameters of type WebApplication
WicketFilter(WebApplication application)
          constructor supporting programmatic setup of the filter

this can be useful for programmatically creating and appending the wicket filter to the servlet context using servlet 3 features.


Uses of WebApplication in org.apache.wicket.util.tester

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.tester that return WebApplication
 WebApplication BaseWicketTester.getApplication()
          Returns the Application for this environment.

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.util.tester with parameters of type WebApplication
BaseWicketTester(WebApplication application)
          Creates a WicketTester.
BaseWicketTester(WebApplication application, boolean init)
          Creates a WicketTester.
BaseWicketTester(WebApplication application, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx)
          Creates a WicketTester.
BaseWicketTester(WebApplication application, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx, boolean init)
          Creates a WicketTester.
BaseWicketTester(WebApplication application, String servletContextBasePath)
          Creates a WicketTester.
WicketTester(WebApplication application)
          Creates a WicketTester.
WicketTester(WebApplication application, boolean init)
          Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
WicketTester(WebApplication application, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx)
          Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
WicketTester(WebApplication application, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx, boolean init)
          Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
WicketTester(WebApplication application, String path)
          Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.

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