Interface IDetachListener

public interface IDetachListener

Listens to Component.detach() calls. Detach listeners are called as the last step in the process of detaching a component; this means the component is in a fully detached state when the listener is invoked.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void onDestroyListener()
          Called when the application is being destroyed.
 void onDetach(Component component)
          Called when component is being detached via a call to Component.detach().

Method Detail


void onDetach(Component component)
Called when component is being detached via a call to Component.detach(). NOTICE: The component is in a fully detached state when this method is invoked; It is the listener's responsibility to maintain the detached state after this method is finished - which means if the listener causes any part of the component (eg model) to become reattached it is the listener's responsibility to detach it before this method exits.

component - component being detached


void onDestroyListener()
Called when the application is being destroyed. Useful for cleaning up listener caches, etc.

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