Class ContextRelativeResourceReference

  extended by org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference
      extended by org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ContextRelativeResourceReference
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable

public class ContextRelativeResourceReference
extends ResourceReference

This is a ResourceReference to handle context-relative resources such as js, css and picture files placed in a folder on the context root (ex: '/css/coolTheme.css'). The class has a flag (see isMinifyIt()) to decide if referenced resource can be minified (ex: '/css/coolTheme.min.css') or not.

Andrea Del Bene
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference
ResourceReference.Key, ResourceReference.UrlAttributes
Constructor Summary
ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name)
          Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name.
ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name, boolean minifyIt)
          Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name.
ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name, String minPostfix)
          Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name.
ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name, String minPostfix, boolean minifyIt)
          Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name.
Method Summary
protected  ContextRelativeResource buildContextRelativeResource(String name, String minPostfix)
          Build the context-relative resource for this resource reference.
protected  boolean canBeMinified()
          Says if the referenced resource can be minified.
 String getMinPostfix()
          Gets the minified postfix we use for this resource.
 ContextRelativeResource getResource()
          Returns the resource.
 boolean isMinifyIt()
          Returns the flag that says if the resource can be minified (true) or not (false).
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference
canBeRegistered, equals, getDependencies, getExtension, getKey, getLocale, getName, getScope, getStyle, getUrlAttributes, getVariation, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name)
Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name. The resource will be minified in DEPLOYMENT mode and "min" will be used as postfix.

name - the resource name


public ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name,
                                        boolean minifyIt)
Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name. Parameter minifyIt says if the resource can be minified (true) or not (false).

name - the resource name
minifyIt - says if the resource name can be minified or not


public ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name,
                                        String minPostfix)
Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name. We can specify which postfix we want to use for minification with parameter @code minPostfix}

name - the resource name
minPostfix - the minfied postfix


public ContextRelativeResourceReference(String name,
                                        String minPostfix,
                                        boolean minifyIt)
Instantiates a new context relative resource reference for the given name. We can specify which postfix we want to use for minification with parameter @code minPostfix} while parameter minifyIt says if the resource can be minified (true) or not (false).

name - the resource name
minPostfix - the minfied postfix
minifyIt - says if the resource name can be minified or not
Method Detail


protected ContextRelativeResource buildContextRelativeResource(String name,
                                                               String minPostfix)
Build the context-relative resource for this resource reference.

name - the resource name
minPostfix - the postfix to use to minify the resource name (typically "min")
the context-relative resource


protected boolean canBeMinified()
Says if the referenced resource can be minified. It returns true if both flag minifyIt and application's resource settings method org.apache.wicket.settings.ResourceSettings#getUseMinifiedResources()} are true.

true if resource can be minified, false otherwise


public final ContextRelativeResource getResource()
Description copied from class: ResourceReference
Returns the resource.

Specified by:
getResource in class ResourceReference
resource instance


public boolean isMinifyIt()
Returns the flag that says if the resource can be minified (true) or not (false).

true, if resource can be minified


public String getMinPostfix()
Gets the minified postfix we use for this resource.

the minified postfix

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