Interface IFormSubmitter

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSubmitLink, AjaxButton, AjaxFallbackButton, AjaxSubmitLink, Button, ImageButton, SubmitLink

public interface IFormSubmitter

Triggers a form submit and controls its processing

Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)

Method Summary
 boolean getDefaultFormProcessing()
          Returns whether form should be processed the default way.
 Form<?> getForm()
          Returns the form this component submits.
 void onAfterSubmit()
          Override this method to provide special submit handling in a multi-button form.
 void onError()
          Method that is invoked when form processing fails; for example, when there are validation errors.
 void onSubmit()
          Override this method to provide special submit handling in a multi-button form.

Method Detail


Form<?> getForm()
Returns the form this component submits.

form submitted by this component


boolean getDefaultFormProcessing()
Returns whether form should be processed the default way. When false (default is true), all validation and form updating is bypassed and the onSubmit method of that button is called directly, and the onSubmit method of the parent form is not called. A common use for this is to create a cancel button.



void onSubmit()
Override this method to provide special submit handling in a multi-button form. This method will be called before the form's onSubmit method.


void onAfterSubmit()
Override this method to provide special submit handling in a multi-button form. This method will be called after the form's onSubmit method.


void onError()
Method that is invoked when form processing fails; for example, when there are validation errors.

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