Class IObjectChecker.Result

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class IObjectChecker.Result
    extends Object
    Represents the result of a check.
    • Field Detail

      • SUCCESS

        public static final IObjectChecker.Result SUCCESS
        A singleton that can be used for successful checks
      • reason

        public final String reason
        The reason why a check succeeded/failed. Mandatory in failure case.
      • cause

        public final Throwable cause
        An optional cause of a failure.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Result

        public Result​(IObjectChecker.Result.Status status,
                      String reason)
        status - the status of the result
        reason - the reason of successful/failed check
      • Result

        public Result​(IObjectChecker.Result.Status status,
                      String reason,
                      Throwable cause)
        status - the status of the result
        reason - the reason of successful/failed check
        cause - the cause of a failure. Optional.