Class FilteringHeaderResponse

    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FILTER_NAME
        The default name of the filter that will collect contributions which should be rendered in the page's <head>
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilteringHeaderResponse

        public FilteringHeaderResponse​(IHeaderResponse response)
        Constructor without explicit filters. Generates filters automatically for any FilteredHeaderItem. Any other contribution is rendered in the page's <head>
        response - the wrapped IHeaderResponse
        See Also:
      • FilteringHeaderResponse

        public FilteringHeaderResponse​(IHeaderResponse response,
                                       String headerFilterName,
                                       Iterable<? extends FilteringHeaderResponse.IHeaderResponseFilter> filters)
        response - the wrapped IHeaderResponse
        headerFilterName - the name that the filter for things that should appear in the head (default Wicket location) uses
        filters - the filters to use to bucket things. There will be a bucket created for each filter, by name. There should typically be at least one filter with the same name as your headerFilterName