Class Radio<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Form submission value used for the Html value attribute of the input tag.

        If Radios are recreated on each render of their RadioGroup, this method should be overridden to return a 'stable' value, otherwise its selection will be lost after a Form was submitted and resulted in Form.hasError().

        input value
      • getGroup

        protected RadioGroup<T> getGroup()
        The associated radio group Component
      • setLabel

        public Radio<T> setLabel​(IModel<String> labelModel)
        The value will be made available to the validator property by means of ${label}. It does not have any specific meaning to Radio itself.
        setLabel in class LabeledWebMarkupContainer
        labelModel -
        this for chaining
      • getStatelessHint

        protected boolean getStatelessHint()
        Returns whether the component can be stateless. Also the component behaviors must be stateless, otherwise the component will be treat as stateful. In order for page to be stateless (and not to be stored in session), all components (and component behaviors) must be stateless.
        getStatelessHint in class Component
        whether the component can be stateless