Class DataViewBase<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataViewBase

        public DataViewBase​(String id,
                            IDataProvider<T> dataProvider)
        id - component id
        dataProvider - data provider
    • Method Detail

      • internalGetDataProvider

        protected final IDataProvider<T> internalGetDataProvider()
        data provider associated with this view
      • getItemModels

        protected final Iterator<IModel<T>> getItemModels​(long offset,
                                                          long count)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPageableView
        Returns an iterator over models for items in the current page
        Specified by:
        getItemModels in class AbstractPageableView<T>
        offset - index of first item in this page
        count - number of items that will be shown in the current page
        an iterator over models for items in the current page
      • onDetach

        protected void onDetach()
        Description copied from class: Component
        Called to allow a component to detach resources after use. Overrides of this method MUST call the super implementation, the most logical place to do this is the last line of the override method.
        onDetach in class AbstractPageableView<T>
        See Also: