Class ExceptionSettings

  • public class ExceptionSettings
    extends Object
    Settings class for configuring exception handling related settings.

    unexpectedExceptionDisplay (defaults to SHOW_EXCEPTION_PAGE) - Determines how exceptions are displayed to the developer or user

    throwExceptionOnMissingResource (defaults to true) - Set to true to throw a runtime exception if a required string resource is not found. Set to false to return the requested resource key surrounded by pairs of question mark characters (e.g. "??missingKey??")

    Jonathan Locke, Chris Turner, Eelco Hillenius, Juergen Donnerstag, Johan Compagner, Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg), Martijn Dashorst, James Carman
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionSettings

        public ExceptionSettings()
    • Method Detail

      • setUnexpectedExceptionDisplay

        public ExceptionSettings setUnexpectedExceptionDisplay​(ExceptionSettings.UnexpectedExceptionDisplay unexpectedExceptionDisplay)
        The exception display type determines how the framework displays exceptions to you as a developer or user.

        The default value for exception display type is SHOW_EXCEPTION_PAGE. When this value is set and an unhandled runtime exception is thrown by a page, a redirect to a helpful exception display page will occur.

        This is a developer feature, however, and you may want to instead show an internal error page without developer details that allows a user to start over at the application's home page. This can be accomplished by setting the exception display type to SHOW_INTERNAL_ERROR_PAGE.

        Finally, if you are having trouble with the exception display pages themselves, you can disable exception displaying entirely with the value SHOW_NO_EXCEPTION_PAGE. This will cause the framework to re-throw any unhandled runtime exceptions after wrapping them in a ServletException wrapper.

        unexpectedExceptionDisplay - The unexpectedExceptionDisplay to set.
        this object for chaining
      • getAjaxErrorHandlingStrategy

        public ExceptionSettings.AjaxErrorStrategy getAjaxErrorHandlingStrategy()
        strategy used to handle errors during Ajax request processing
      • setAjaxErrorHandlingStrategy

        public ExceptionSettings setAjaxErrorHandlingStrategy​(ExceptionSettings.AjaxErrorStrategy errorHandlingStrategyDuringAjaxRequests)
        Sets strategy used to handle errors during Ajax request processing
        errorHandlingStrategyDuringAjaxRequests -
        this object for chaining