Class WebSession

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebSession

        public WebSession​(org.apache.wicket.request.Request request)
        Constructor. Note that RequestCycle is not available until this constructor returns.
        request - The current request
    • Method Detail

      • invalidate

        public void invalidate()
        Call signOut() and remove the logon data from whereever they have been persisted (e.g. Cookies)
        invalidate in class Session
        See Also:
      • newBrowserInfoPage

        protected WebPage newBrowserInfoPage()
        Override this method if you want to use a custom page for gathering the client's browser information.
        The easiest way is just to extend BrowserInfoPage and provide your own markup file
        the WebPage which should be used while gathering browser info
      • generateNewSessionId

        protected String generateNewSessionId()
        Description copied from class: Session
        Change the id of the underlying (Web)Session.
        Specified by:
        generateNewSessionId in class Session
        the new session id value.