Package org.apache.wicket.util.diff

package org.apache.wicket.util.diff

The diff package implements the differencing engine that JRCS uses. The engine has the power of Unix diff, is simple to understand, and can be used independently of the archive handling functionality. The entry point to the differencing engine is class Diff.

Text is represented as Object[] because the diff engine is capable of handling more than plain ASCII. In fact, arrays of any type that implements hashCode() and equals() correctly can be subject to differencing using this library.

The MyersDiff is an implementation of Gene Myers differencing algorithm. Myers' algorithm produces optimum results (minimum diffs), but consumes considerable amount of memory, it may not be suitable for very large files.

Modifications: 1 Aug 2018 aldaris Fixed typos, and updated package references.
$Id: package.html,v 1.1 2006/03/12 00:24:21 juanca Exp $
Juanco Anez
See Also:
  • Class
    Holds an add-delta between to revisions of a text.
    Holds an change-delta between to revisions of a text.
    Holds a information about a part of the text involved in a differencing or patching operation.
    Holds a delete-delta between to revisions of a text.
    Holds a "delta" difference between to revisions of a text.
    Implements a differencing engine that works on arrays of Object.
    A simple interface for implementations of differencing algorithms.
    Thrown whenever the differencing engine cannot produce the differences between two revisions of ta text.
    Base class for all exceptions emanating from this package.
    Thrown whenever a delta cannot be applied as a patch to a given text.
    A Revision holds the series of deltas that describe the differences between two sequences.
    Definition of a Visitor interface for Revisions See "Design Patterns" by the Gang of Four
    This class delegates handling of the to a StringBuilder based version.