Class QRAuthenticationProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-qr-authentication") public class QRAuthenticationProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • QRAuthenticationProperties

      public QRAuthenticationProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getAllowedOrigins

      public List<String> getAllowedOrigins()
      Configure allowed Origin header values. This check is mostly designed for browser clients. There is nothing preventing other types of client to modify the Origin header value.

      When SockJS is enabled and origins are restricted, transport types that do not allow to check request origin (Iframe based transports) are disabled. As a consequence, IE 6 to 9 are not supported when origins are restricted.

      Each provided allowed origin must start by "http://", "https://" or be "*" (means that all origins are allowed). By default, only same origin requests are allowed (empty list).

    • getJson

      Track registered devices in a repository backed by a JSON resource.
    • setAllowedOrigins

      public QRAuthenticationProperties setAllowedOrigins(List<String> allowedOrigins)
      Configure allowed Origin header values. This check is mostly designed for browser clients. There is nothing preventing other types of client to modify the Origin header value.

      When SockJS is enabled and origins are restricted, transport types that do not allow to check request origin (Iframe based transports) are disabled. As a consequence, IE 6 to 9 are not supported when origins are restricted.

      Each provided allowed origin must start by "http://", "https://" or be "*" (means that all origins are allowed). By default, only same origin requests are allowed (empty list).

    • setJson

      Track registered devices in a repository backed by a JSON resource.