Class BaseAlternativePrincipalResolverProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CnEdipiPrincipalResolverProperties, Rfc822EmailPrincipalResolverProperties, SubjectAltNamePrincipalResolverProperties

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-x509-webflow") public abstract class BaseAlternativePrincipalResolverProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseAlternativePrincipalResolverProperties

      public BaseAlternativePrincipalResolverProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getAlternatePrincipalAttribute

      public String getAlternatePrincipalAttribute()
      Attribute name that will be used by X509 principal resolvers if the main attribute in the certificate is not present. This only applies to principal resolvers that are looking for attributes in the certificate that are not common to all certificates. (e.g. SUBJECT_ALT_NAME, CN_EDIPI)

      This assumes you would rather get something like the subjectDn rather than null where null would allow falling through to another authentication mechanism.

      Currently supported values are: subjectDn, sigAlgOid, subjectX500Principal.

    • setAlternatePrincipalAttribute

      public BaseAlternativePrincipalResolverProperties setAlternatePrincipalAttribute(String alternatePrincipalAttribute)
      Attribute name that will be used by X509 principal resolvers if the main attribute in the certificate is not present. This only applies to principal resolvers that are looking for attributes in the certificate that are not common to all certificates. (e.g. SUBJECT_ALT_NAME, CN_EDIPI)

      This assumes you would rather get something like the subjectDn rather than null where null would allow falling through to another authentication mechanism.

      Currently supported values are: subjectDn, sigAlgOid, subjectX500Principal.
