Class Pac4jDelegatedAuthenticationDiscoverySelectionJsonProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, CasFeatureModule

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-pac4j-webflow") public class Pac4jDelegatedAuthenticationDiscoverySelectionJsonProperties extends SpringResourceProperties
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Pac4jDelegatedAuthenticationDiscoverySelectionJsonProperties

      public Pac4jDelegatedAuthenticationDiscoverySelectionJsonProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getPrincipalAttribute

      public String getPrincipalAttribute()
      The name of the principal attribute whose values will be compared against the key pattern defined in the configuration rules. If a match is found, then the provider configuration block will be used as the selected provider. The matching routine will examine all attribute values linked to the principal attribute to find any acceptable match. When this setting left undefined, then the resolved principal id for the given user identifier will be used to locate the provider.
    • setPrincipalAttribute

      public Pac4jDelegatedAuthenticationDiscoverySelectionJsonProperties setPrincipalAttribute(String principalAttribute)
      The name of the principal attribute whose values will be compared against the key pattern defined in the configuration rules. If a match is found, then the provider configuration block will be used as the selected provider. The matching routine will examine all attribute values linked to the principal attribute to find any acceptable match. When this setting left undefined, then the resolved principal id for the given user identifier will be used to locate the provider.