Class MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-core-authentication", automated=true) public class MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties

      public MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getAuthenticationContextAttribute

      public String getAuthenticationContextAttribute()
      Attribute returned in the final CAS validation payload that indicates the authentication context class satisfied in the event of a multifactor authentication attempt.
    • getGlobalFailureMode

      Defines the global failure mode for the entire deployment. This is meant to be used a shortcut to define the policy globally rather than per application. Applications registered with CAS can still define a failure mode and override the global.
    • getContentType

      public String getContentType()
      Content-type that is expected to be specified by non-web clients such as curl, etc in the event that the provider supports variations of non-browser based MFA. The value is treated as a regular expression.
    • getProviderSelection

      In the event that multiple multifactor authentication providers are determined for a multifactor authentication transaction, the collection of settings here control mfa selection rules.
    • setAuthenticationContextAttribute

      public MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties setAuthenticationContextAttribute(String authenticationContextAttribute)
      Attribute returned in the final CAS validation payload that indicates the authentication context class satisfied in the event of a multifactor authentication attempt.
    • setGlobalFailureMode

      Defines the global failure mode for the entire deployment. This is meant to be used a shortcut to define the policy globally rather than per application. Applications registered with CAS can still define a failure mode and override the global.
    • setContentType

      public MultifactorAuthenticationCoreProperties setContentType(String contentType)
      Content-type that is expected to be specified by non-web clients such as curl, etc in the event that the provider supports variations of non-browser based MFA. The value is treated as a regular expression.
    • setProviderSelection

      In the event that multiple multifactor authentication providers are determined for a multifactor authentication transaction, the collection of settings here control mfa selection rules.