Class SamlIdPServicesProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-saml-idp") public class SamlIdPServicesProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SamlIdPServicesProperties

      public SamlIdPServicesProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaults

      public Map<String,String> getDefaults()
      Control the default, initial values for fields that are part of a SAML service definition. This is defined as a map where the key is the field name (i.e. signAssertions) and the value should be the default value. If a service definition explicitly defines a value for a field, that value will take over and the default defined here will be ignored. If a service definition does not define a value for a field and no defaults are specified for that field, then the default value that is directly assigned to the field in the body of the service definition will take over.