Class StreamServicesHazelcastProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-service-registry-stream-hazelcast") public class StreamServicesHazelcastProperties extends BaseStreamServicesProperties
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StreamServicesHazelcastProperties

      public StreamServicesHazelcastProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getDuration

      public String getDuration()
      Duration that indicates how long should items be kept in the hazelcast cache. Note that generally this number needs to be short as once an item is delivered to a target, it is explicitly removed from the cache/queue. This duration needs to be adjusted if the latency between the CAS nodes in the cluster is too large. Having too short a value will cause the record to expire before it reaches other members of the cluster.
    • getConfig

      public BaseHazelcastProperties getConfig()
      Configuration of the hazelcast instance to queue and stream items.
    • setDuration

      public StreamServicesHazelcastProperties setDuration(String duration)
      Duration that indicates how long should items be kept in the hazelcast cache. Note that generally this number needs to be short as once an item is delivered to a target, it is explicitly removed from the cache/queue. This duration needs to be adjusted if the latency between the CAS nodes in the cluster is too large. Having too short a value will cause the record to expire before it reaches other members of the cluster.
    • setConfig

      Configuration of the hazelcast instance to queue and stream items.