Class BaseMultifactorAuthenticationProviderProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CasSimpleMultifactorAuthenticationProperties, CasSimpleMultifactorAuthenticationTokenProperties, DuoSecurityMultifactorAuthenticationProperties, GoogleAuthenticatorMultifactorProperties, InweboMultifactorAuthenticationProperties, RadiusMultifactorAuthenticationProperties, WebAuthnMultifactorAuthenticationProperties, YubiKeyMultifactorAuthenticationProperties

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-core-authentication-mfa") public abstract class BaseMultifactorAuthenticationProviderProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseMultifactorAuthenticationProviderProperties

      public BaseMultifactorAuthenticationProviderProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getRank

      public int getRank()
      At times, CAS needs to determine the correct provider when step-up authentication is required. Consider for a moment that CAS already has established an SSO session with/without a provider and has reached a level of authentication. Another incoming request attempts to exercise that SSO session with a different and often competing authentication requirement that may differ from the authentication level CAS has already established. Concretely, examples may be:
      • CAS has achieved an SSO session, but a separate request now requires step-up authentication with DuoSecurity.
      • CAS has achieved an SSO session with an authentication level satisfied by DuoSecurity, but a separate request now requires step-up authentication with YubiKey.
      In certain scenarios, CAS will attempt to rank authentication levels and compare them with each other. If CAS already has achieved a level that is higher than what the incoming request requires, no step-up authentication will be performed. If the opposite is true, CAS will route the authentication flow to the required authentication level and upon success, will adjust the SSO session with the new higher authentication level now satisfied. Ranking of authentication methods is done per provider via specific properties for each. Note that the higher the rank value is, the higher on the security scale it remains. A provider that ranks higher with a larger weight value trumps and override others with a lower value.
    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
      The order of the authentication handler in the chain.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      The identifier for the multifactor provider. In most cases, this need not be configured explicitly, unless multiple instances of the same provider type are configured in CAS.
    • getBypass

      Multifactor bypass options for this provider. Each multifactor provider is equipped with options to allow for MFA bypass. Once the provider is chosen to honor the authentication request, bypass rules are then consulted to calculate whether the provider should ignore the request and skip MFA conditionally.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      The name of the authentication handler used to verify credentials in MFA. Remember that if you have more than one authentication handler of the same type, the names must be defined uniquely for each authentication scheme. Failing to do so may force CAS to not register authentication handlers with a duplicate name.
    • getFailureMode

      The failure mode policy for this MFA provider. The authentication policy by default supports fail-closed mode, which means that if you attempt to exercise a particular provider available to CAS and the provider cannot be reached, authentication will be stopped and an error will be displayed. You can of course change this behavior so that authentication proceeds without exercising the provider functionality, if that provider cannot respond. Each defined multifactor authentication provider can set its own failure mode policy. Failure modes set at this location will override the global failure mode, but defer to any failure mode set by the registered service.
    • setRank

      At times, CAS needs to determine the correct provider when step-up authentication is required. Consider for a moment that CAS already has established an SSO session with/without a provider and has reached a level of authentication. Another incoming request attempts to exercise that SSO session with a different and often competing authentication requirement that may differ from the authentication level CAS has already established. Concretely, examples may be:
      • CAS has achieved an SSO session, but a separate request now requires step-up authentication with DuoSecurity.
      • CAS has achieved an SSO session with an authentication level satisfied by DuoSecurity, but a separate request now requires step-up authentication with YubiKey.
      In certain scenarios, CAS will attempt to rank authentication levels and compare them with each other. If CAS already has achieved a level that is higher than what the incoming request requires, no step-up authentication will be performed. If the opposite is true, CAS will route the authentication flow to the required authentication level and upon success, will adjust the SSO session with the new higher authentication level now satisfied. Ranking of authentication methods is done per provider via specific properties for each. Note that the higher the rank value is, the higher on the security scale it remains. A provider that ranks higher with a larger weight value trumps and override others with a lower value.
    • setOrder

      The order of the authentication handler in the chain.
    • setId

      The identifier for the multifactor provider. In most cases, this need not be configured explicitly, unless multiple instances of the same provider type are configured in CAS.
    • setBypass

      Multifactor bypass options for this provider. Each multifactor provider is equipped with options to allow for MFA bypass. Once the provider is chosen to honor the authentication request, bypass rules are then consulted to calculate whether the provider should ignore the request and skip MFA conditionally.
    • setName

      The name of the authentication handler used to verify credentials in MFA. Remember that if you have more than one authentication handler of the same type, the names must be defined uniquely for each authentication scheme. Failing to do so may force CAS to not register authentication handlers with a duplicate name.
    • setFailureMode

      The failure mode policy for this MFA provider. The authentication policy by default supports fail-closed mode, which means that if you attempt to exercise a particular provider available to CAS and the provider cannot be reached, authentication will be stopped and an error will be displayed. You can of course change this behavior so that authentication proceeds without exercising the provider functionality, if that provider cannot respond. Each defined multifactor authentication provider can set its own failure mode policy. Failure modes set at this location will override the global failure mode, but defer to any failure mode set by the registered service.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object