Class GrouperMultifactorAuthenticationProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-core-authentication", automated=true) public class GrouperMultifactorAuthenticationProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GrouperMultifactorAuthenticationProperties

      public GrouperMultifactorAuthenticationProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getGrouperGroupField

      public String getGrouperGroupField()
      MFA can be triggered by Grouper groups to which the authenticated principal is assigned. Groups are collected by CAS and then cross-checked against all available/configured MFA providers. The group’s comparing factor MUST be defined in CAS to activate this behavior and it can be based on the group’s name, display name, etc where a successful match against a provider id shall activate the chosen MFA provider.
    • setGrouperGroupField

      public GrouperMultifactorAuthenticationProperties setGrouperGroupField(String grouperGroupField)
      MFA can be triggered by Grouper groups to which the authenticated principal is assigned. Groups are collected by CAS and then cross-checked against all available/configured MFA providers. The group’s comparing factor MUST be defined in CAS to activate this behavior and it can be based on the group’s name, display name, etc where a successful match against a provider id shall activate the chosen MFA provider.