Class FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

@RequiresModule(name="cas-server-support-oidc") public class FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties

      public FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getJwksFile

      public String getJwksFile()
      Path to the JWKS file resource used to handle signing/encryption of authentication tokens. Contents of the keystore may be encrypted using the same encryption and security mechanism available for all other CAS configuration settings. The setting value here may also be defined in a raw format; that is, you may pass the actual contents of the keystore verbaitm to this setting and CAS would load the keystore as an in-memory resource. This is relevant in scenarios where the setting source is external to CAS and has no support for file systems where the value is loaded on the fly from the source into this setting. Note that if the keystore files does not exist at the specified path, one will be generated for you.
    • isWatcherEnabled

      public boolean isWatcherEnabled()
      Flag indicating whether a background watcher thread is enabled for the purposes of live reloading of keystore data file changes from disk.
    • setJwksFile

      public FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties setJwksFile(String jwksFile)
      Path to the JWKS file resource used to handle signing/encryption of authentication tokens. Contents of the keystore may be encrypted using the same encryption and security mechanism available for all other CAS configuration settings. The setting value here may also be defined in a raw format; that is, you may pass the actual contents of the keystore verbaitm to this setting and CAS would load the keystore as an in-memory resource. This is relevant in scenarios where the setting source is external to CAS and has no support for file systems where the value is loaded on the fly from the source into this setting. Note that if the keystore files does not exist at the specified path, one will be generated for you.
    • setWatcherEnabled

      public FileSystemOidcJsonWebKeystoreProperties setWatcherEnabled(boolean watcherEnabled)
      Flag indicating whether a background watcher thread is enabled for the purposes of live reloading of keystore data file changes from disk.