Class DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable,, org.springframework.core.Ordered

public class DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy extends BaseRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy
This is DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy that allows the following rules:
  • A service may be disallowed to use CAS for authentication
  • A service may be disallowed to take part in CAS single sign-on such that presentation of credentials would always be required.
  • A service may be prohibited from receiving a service ticket if the existing principal attributes don't contain the required attributes that otherwise grant access to the service.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • order

      protected int order
      The sorting/execution order of this strategy.
    • enabled

      protected boolean enabled
      Is the service allowed at all?
    • ssoEnabled

      protected boolean ssoEnabled
      Is the service allowed to use SSO?
    • unauthorizedRedirectUrl

      protected URI unauthorizedRedirectUrl
      The Unauthorized redirect url.
    • delegatedAuthenticationPolicy

      protected delegatedAuthenticationPolicy
      The delegated authn policy.
    • requireAllAttributes

      protected boolean requireAllAttributes
      Defines the attribute aggregation behavior when checking for required attributes. Default requires that all attributes be present and match the principal's.
    • requiredAttributes

      protected Map<String,Set<String>> requiredAttributes
      Collection of required attributes for this service to proceed.
    • rejectedAttributes

      protected Map<String,Set<String>> rejectedAttributes
      Collection of attributes that will be rejected which will cause this policy to refuse access.
    • caseInsensitive

      protected boolean caseInsensitive
      Indicates whether matching on required attribute values should be done in a case-insensitive manner.
    • activationCriteria

      protected activationCriteria
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy

      public DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy()
    • DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy

      public DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy(boolean enabled, boolean ssoEnabled)
    • DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy

      public DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy(Map<String,Set<String>> requiredAttributes, Map<String,Set<String>> rejectedAttributes)
    • DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy

      public DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy(Map<String,Set<String>> requiredAttributes)
  • Method Details

    • postLoad

      public void postLoad()
      Post load.
    • getRequiredAttributes

      public Map<String,Set<String>> getRequiredAttributes()
      Expose underlying attributes for auditing purposes.
      required attributes
    • isServiceAccessAllowedForSso

      public boolean isServiceAccessAllowedForSso()
    • isServiceAccessAllowed

      public boolean isServiceAccessAllowed()
    • doPrincipalAttributesAllowServiceAccess

      public boolean doPrincipalAttributesAllowServiceAccess( request)